Monday, August 1, 2011

Let Food Be Your Medicine......

The food industry spends billions of dollars each year “improving’ our food supply:  taking out trans fats, adding in omega-3’s and probiotics.  Ironically, the more money American companies spend on manufacturing new food “products”, the sicker and fatter we have become.

It begs the question, why do we think we can do better than nature?  We humans have been put on this earth with everything we need to survive and thrive, yet we continually think we can improve what is already perfect.

Recently I have come across the story of one man, Joe Cross, who has shown us just how we can take what Mother Nature has provided, and use it to cure ourselves of the messes we’ve made. 

In his documentary film Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, Cross gives a compelling example of the power of food to either harm or heal us.  Cross is  shamelessly honest as he shares how his lifestyle choices have left him literally fat, sick, and nearly dead.

What I love about this film is how it illustrates the power of the nutrition of fruits and vegetables.  In just sixty days after giving up a diet full of fast food, sugar laden and over-processed foods, and going on a supervised fast of pure vegetable and fruit juices, Joe Cross lost almost 100 pounds, and became completely symptom free (and medication free) of a debilitating autoimmune skin disease.                     

Another powerful example of the power of food to heal is the story of Dr. Max Gerson.  Dr. Gerson used nutrition and lifestyle therapy to cure patients of diabetes, tuberculosis, and cancer.  His story is documented several ways, but a beautiful illustration of his work is found int he documentary Dying to Have Known.

Dr. Gerson had a keen understanding of just how powerful nutrition is against the disease process.

But as Joe Cross explains, in the beginning of his film, maybe curing disease has more to do with allowing the body to do what it does naturally.  The only true way we can do this is to

1- take away those things which interfere with normal functioning of our body (toxins like artificial ingredients, preservatives, colorants, sugars, etc)    AND

2- give our bodies all the good things they need to work properly- fruits and vegetables, good fats, and proteins

Do we really need to go on a juice fast?  Maybe some of us do.  Maybe a reboot is exactly what some of us need.

For the rest of us, we should all make an effort to make fruits and vegetables a bigger part of our diet, whether we use whole food supplement like Juice Plus, make our own juice, or just be more intentional about our choices each day. 

Our health is in our hands, and people like Joe Cross and Dr. Max Gerson have shown us what we can achieve when we ...

“let food be our medicine, and medicine be our food” - Hippocrates

You can find more information about Joe Cross and his amazing journey on his website

You can learn more about Dr. Gerson and the Gerson Institute at

Eat Well         Spend Less

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